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  • Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296

    Hello Mary,

    I have forwarded your post on to Cynthia. I monitor the forum regularly however the practitioners who reply here do so voluntarily and may not always be able to response immediately due to their work/life schedules but do their very best. In case you would like to contact Cynthia directly here is her website http://www.lifezonewellness.com/. Cynthia is in Chicago but does do Phone and Skype consults.

    Mary you asked previously about inpatient care so you may wish to investigate these if you have not already done so. http://www.rehabs.com/local/san-diego-ca/. Some provide outpatient services and there is a toll free 24/7 helpline and live help available on the website. I do not reside in USA so not familiar with these but wanted you to have access to some extra support locally if you feel you need it.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Lea (Admin).
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Lea (Admin).
    Post count: 10

    Thanks Lea

    Cynthia Smith
    Post count: 206

    Hi Mary,
    The Zanaflex you are taking is broken down in the CYP1A2 pathway. You may have SNPs in this pathway. If you are additionally taking Fluvoxamine or furafylline, they can negatively impact efficient breakdown of Zanaflex. That means that you may experience a “backup” of sorts of the circulating drug, where is does not break down in the liver detox pathways quickly enough. Cynthia
    PS 23andMe includes this pathway.

    Post count: 10

    Hi Cynthia,
    Thanks for writing. I don’t take either of those medications. I am also waiting for my results from 23andme I sent it in today! I have decided to taper off the Zanaflex with a liquid suspension, taper 10% per week! This is the first thing that must be done.
    I have changed my diet, no gluten, sugar, or dairy! Everything organic, non gmo
    No processed foods
    I would love to work with you,do a phone consult, once I get my 23 test results!
    Do you think I need to do a liver cleanse, after I’m off the Zanaflex? Thanks so much for your support, it means allot to me that you take the time to respond

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296

    Hi Mary,

    Your reply has been forwarded on.


    Post count: 1

    Hey There, I noticed you are in San Diego. I have the best practitioner in Encinitas; he has helped me so much over the last 6 years. Dr. Mark Stengler. It’s worth it to go see him…

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