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  • roxy3
    Post count: 10

    My story is long, I’ll try to keep it short.I just found out that I’m positive C677T, this is all very new to me! I’m seeing a functional doctor now,western medicine has messed me up!
    I was misdiagnosed… Put on beznzodiazapes for 20 years, Prozac for 21! I m off now for 4 years.
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto in 1997, treated with levotyroxin for 19! Years.
    Now, since I’m seeing a doctor that looks at the whole body, I’ve made some changes, probably too many, too fast!
    I started going in Jan of this year,since then, I have switched from Levo to WP thyroid, changed my bio hormone cream to less estrogen, more progesterone, had 5 Meyers cocktails, 2 methyofolate/ b injections
    I am now gluten, sugar and dairy free. And I found out about the MYHFR mutation! I also take 2mg muscle relaxer for sleep, trying to come off that,but on hold for now!
    Anyway… I am beyond sick, I’m worse! I’m going to get the 23andme test done, this may be the problem! Idk
    That’s it, I just want to feel better. I have extreme anxiety and nausea

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296

    Hello Mary,

    Have you been tested for MTHFR? Did your practitioner do any functional testing before treatment?


    Post count: 10

    I was tested through spectra cell, positive for C677C
    I had labs done for thyroid,and basic blood work.Thats it!

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296


    Over methylation may occur where a person’s dose of 5-MTHFR is too high and may cause the person to feel worse and experience anxiety.
    I suggest you have your current treatment reviewed to rule this or any other issues out.

    Good plan doing your 23andMe but key to have the data interpreted by a knowledgeable experienced practitioner.
    If your current practitioner is not you may like to check this listing http://mthfrsupport.com/find-a-practitioner/

    You may also like to read through the FAQs here http://mthfrsupport.com/frequently-asked-questions/ as there is information there for those newly diagnosed.


    Post count: 10

    Ok,but I wake up with extreme anxiety, I don’t notice any increased anxiety after taking it.
    My doctor does read the 23andme test. Do you think some of my problems could be that I’m toxic, from all the psyc meds I took for so long?

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296

    Hi Mary,

    Some information you may like to read on over methylation. Still something I suggest you discuss with your practitioner. Some people’s reactions to supplements can be delayed.

    While it is well documented that the types of medications you have been prescribed in the past can have long term ill effects for some people they don’t for others. Whether you have been affected or still are is not something I can answer. Proper investigation by a medical practitioner would likely be needed to ascertain this.

    Commenting as a fellow Hashi’s patient many factors if not optimal like Sleep, Gut health, Diet, Adrenals, Cortisol, Iron and Ferritin levels to name just a few can cause unpleasant symptoms so regular testing and working to optimize these is a given. Hopefully these are all in check under the guidance of your practitioner.


    Post count: 10

    Thank you for your support, Lea

    Post count: 10

    Do you know of any clinics that have inpatient care? I live in San Diego! I don’t think I can go on like this… Iam beyond sick!

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296


    Please seek medical care at your local Emergency room or Urgent care. If you are unable to get there please call an Ambulance.

    I am not aware of any inpatient clinics however I will make enquiries but please do not wait for my reply, seek medical attention as soon as possible.


    Post count: 10

    Thanks for your concern, I have an appt this afternoon.
    I’m going to ask for full labs, cover everything! I just did thyroid labs yesterda, they switched my meds from .25 Levo to 16.25 WP Thyroid
    Do you have any suggestions for me to ask the doctor?
    Mornings are terrifying for me,and it’s everyday!
    I just need an explanation!

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296


    Good to hear you have an appointment.

    Some people do have issues when transferring from synthetic T4 only to natural Thyroid and dose should be reviewed often or if experiencing symptoms.
    This short audio may help you understand what can happened http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/mp3/problems.mp3
    I have found these resources very helpful http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com and http://thyroidbook.com/#

    Please be open and honest with your practitioner about your symptoms, don’t hold back.

    Here is a list of tests for thyroid patients http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/recommended-labwork/ you can check and discuss having these with your practitioner if not already done.

    Good Luck with your appointment I hope you get some answers. Please check back and let me know how you get on.

    Take care Lea

    Post count: 10

    Hi Lea,
    Turns out I am suffering withdrawal from the muscle relaxer I’m taking! He said, it’s just like a Benzo!

    Lea (Admin)
    Post count: 296

    Hi Mary,
    Good you know but so sorry you are going through this. Why it’s best to consult with a practitioner as you have done as soon as symptoms present.
    Wishing you well and hope you improve quickly.
    Take care Lea

    Cynthia Smith
    Post count: 206

    Hi Mary,

    Do you have any data on why your thyroid went whacky? Autoimmune possibly? Many busy Docs just prescribe meds without looking at why.

    If so, low hanging fruit is remove gluten anything and minimize grains. If too difficult, then add a bit of time released 5 HTP to boost serotonin and stop the evening grazing if that is what is happening. Typically corn chips or something similar.

    Do you have COMT homozygous SNPs?

    Sounds like your sympathetic nervous system in flight/fight in the am, which could generate high cortisol; feeding the flames. What is going on in your life that could contribute. Must ID and remove, else adrenal burn out.

    Post count: 10

    Hi Cynthia,
    Thanks for your response! The reason my thyroid went wacky, is Hashimoto Autoimmune disease
    I have stopped eating gluten, sugar and dairy! I will not eat the corn chips anymore! Are nuts ok?
    I have taken 5htp before, it made me feel worse, anxious!
    I did a saliva cortisol test, it came out low,low,normal, high
    They were not too bad off though!
    I can give you the numbers of you like!
    On Friday night, I think I may have had a seizure or something! After taking the Zanaflex,as it kicked in, my head started twitching and then a heat came over me, on the top of my head, down my neck. I was very disoriented and nauseas. I could hardly walk! I have never experienced this kind of thing ever! It was very scary!
    To answer your question about the COMT homozygous SNP’s
    I have not done this test, I am sending the 23and me test in this week! Will this test cover that?
    Thanks so much,
    I am sooo overwhelmed, this drug is horrid, I feel like I could die!

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