Home Forums MTHFR Support Forum General Discussion 23AndMe – DAO mutation- does it mean excess or deficiency of the enzyme?

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  • noga
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    I have made the 23AndMe test, and in their test I’m homozygotic (+/+) for DAO
    rs3741775 CC allele .

    Is it mean the DAO enzyme is in excess or in deficiency ?

    If it is deficiency/hypo-activation- I might buy it as a supplement (for example histame).
    if it is excess/hyper-activation- I will avoid taking DAO supplements.

    Cynthia Smith
    Post count: 206


    You have a down regulation of the DAO enzyme which means that its best to avoid high histamine foods. Im not sure where you are emailing from, but fermented foods are not your friend. Things like KimChi, fermented drinks, pickled things, aged cheese, olives, wine, fish thats not fresh caught, and many more. If you can’t break down histamine foods, then its possible if you eat them, you can induce leaky gut. Besides IgA, there is also IgE issues. That means that things that cause your immune system to release histamines will cause an unregulated response.
    So, if you avoid high histamine foods or things that cause a histamine response you should be OK. If you eat at a restaurant and don’t have control over the ingredients, then its best to carry the DAO enzyme with you. Seeking Health sells a DOA enzyme called “Histamine Block”. There is a link to Seeking Health on MTHFRsupport.com. Cynthia

    PS If you have COMT H62H or COMT V158M, then you may want to avoid all high “amine” foods as well.

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